How to Right-Size Support for Your Team in 2023

RW Product & Innovation, Strategy & Execution

The Year of Focus.

Going in to 2023, Realized Worth is determined to focus – on what we do best, on company growth, and on achieving measurable results with our partners and clients (and getting better at measuring them).

In order to do so, we’re simplifying. In the past, we’ve worked with our partners and clients in a myriad of different ways – and while we’ll always strive to meet our clients’ needs in exactly the ways they need – we’ll be spending 2023 honing our three core services: Consulting, Training, and Social REV.

This does not mean we’re narrowing what we do. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. By focusing on our three most successful, most loved services (the “how”), we expect the opportunity to expand our knowledge and expertise (the “what”) so we take an even more holistic approach to Social Impact.

It’s the soul of our work that matters – but not if it doesn’t achieve real results.

It’s not just about employee volunteering for us anymore. Well, if we’re being real, it never was. It was always and will always be about transformation: the shifting of mindsets, the sparking of movements, the breaking down of barriers between people. For us, Transformative Volunteering is all about its approach, principles, and philosophies. We believe that we can create space for transformation in more arenas than just volunteering. We can do this work wherever the Social – the ‘S’ in ESG – calls for it.

As most of us who are just getting used to the introduction of – or usurping by – ESG in the CSR world, we have much to learn and a long way to go. Before we execute, we must first reconcile the nature of both ESG and CSR as concepts; we must understand how ESG changes our jobs as CSR practitioners, and then work to maintain the intent of CSR while achieving the results the business needs to see from ESG. This year, we’re focused on doing that for ourselves and helping you do that, as well.

Your call.

All that being said, how we do that is up to you. However you like to work, we’re here to help you succeed methodically, systematically, and efficiently. Whether you like to take the reigns and do things yourself, want to work with a team (our team!) to kick things off strong, or want to walk hand-in-hand towards impact – we got you covered.

  How you want to accomplish it
What you need to accomplish DIY (Low Budget, Low-Touch Support) Kick Start (Med Budget, Med-Touch Support) Hand-in-Hand (High Budget, High-Touch Support)
Social Impact Program Current State Assessment  






Social REV







Social REV + Advisory and/or Workshop Add-On








Social Impact, Volunteering, or Giving Strategy
Social Impact Program Launch and Change Management
Employee Social Impact Networks Design and Build
Employee Volunteer Leader Training and Resources
Employee Social Impact Networks Governance
Social Impact Program Measurement

Jessica Jenkins

Director, Product & Innovation

To learn more about how Social REV can accelerate and elevate the job you’re already doing to increase the value you bring to your company, read on, here.

To learn about the various options for Training, from out-of-the-box to fully custom, read on, here.

To learn more about what we can accomplish together through a comprehensive Consulting engagement, read on, here.

Let’s use an example.

Let’s say you’re a bit stuck on your own focus for 2023. What can your team – the CSR, ESG, or equivalent team – do that will make the biggest difference to achieving your company goal?

Well, there are a few ways we can help you identify your focus:

  1. DIY: Use the tools available on Social REV – including a goal-setting guide and goal-setting workbook – to workshop your goals with your team internally.
  2. Kick Start: Bring Realized Worth’s expert facilitators in to run a goal-setting workshop for your team. (Social REV members get preferred pricing and timing for 2023.) Then, use Social REV to help you manage and execute on your goals.
  3. Hand-in-Hand: Use the Realized Worth team as an extension of your own. In a more traditional Consulting project, bring us in to set goals with you and march hand-in-hand toward achieving them.

Ready to start 2023 strong with right-sized resourcing and support? Get in touch.  If you don’t know where to start in 2023, that’s ok too – check your Social Impact goals against our goal-setting principles and methodology (and keep an eye out for our next blog on personal goal-setting) to give yourself a clear focus for the year. We’re here when you need us!

Realized Worth helps you take a transformative approach to volunteering. We work with companies to create scalable and measurable volunteering programs that empower and engage employees, focus on empathy and inclusivity, and align with your most important business objectives. Talk to us today to learn more!

RW Product & InnovationStrategy & Execution

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