RealTalk: The Power of Storytelling: Making Experiences Stick in Social Impact
Get real with us about creating story-worthy Social Impact programs that drive awareness and broad participation!
Struggling to drive awareness and achieve broad participation in your Social Impact programs? Wondering why ramping up your comms isn’t showing results? Hoping for some fresh faces at your events? You’re not alone! The hard truth is that while it’s important to effectively leverage available communication channels and tactics – simply adding “more” communications is not the answer.
The solution: make your social impact program story-worthy by focusing on creating “sticky” experiences.
Join this RealTalk to dive into:
- Why your “usual” communications tactics aren’t driving awareness
- How to create unexpected experiences that “stick” with your employees
- The power of storytelling in creating momentum to scale your program
- The 6 key elements that need to be in place to tell stories effectively
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