Please Note:
Many of the conferences and events listed below have been rescheduled or adjusted to a virtual event due to COVID-19. Click the link associated with each event to visit the organization’s website and find updated dates, times, and locations.

Looking for ways to inspire your volunteers in 2022? Explore our live learning webinar series. Our most inspiring facilitators inject energy into your program by galvanizing volunteer leaders around Realized Worth’s key concepts and instilling the core knowledge required for effective community leadership. (See Training Option 2).
Find conferences around the world
Find conferences around the world that are rich with industry expertise, fresh takes, challenging topics, and great speakers. The guide includes a comprehensive, month-by-month listing of CSR and sustainability conferences with an interactive map so you can search by location. Click on the conference title to see the event description.
- January 21-22, 2022 // ICCSRSD 2022 London, UK / Virtual
- January 25-27, 2022 // WUSC-EUMC International Forum Virtual
- February 2-3, 2022 // SUSTAINATOPIA Location to be announced
- February 7-8, 2022 // ICCSSR Melbourne, AUS
- February 15-17, 2022 // GREENBIZ Scottsdale, AZ, USA
- February 23-25, 2022 // ELEVATE Virtual
- February 24-25, 2022 // SUSTAINABLE BRANDS Yokohama, JP
- February – November 2022 // HUMAN CAPITAL INSTITUTE Virtual
- March 11 – 20, 2022 // SXSW CONFERENCE Austin, TX, USA
- March 13 – 14, 2022 // PIVOT CONFERENCE Wellington, NZ
- March 14 – 16, 2022 // TFN 2022 ANNUAL CONFERENCE San Diego, CA, USA
- March 15-17, April 24-26, 2022 // INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP CONFERENCE In-person and Virtual
- March 21-24, 2022 // 7th ANNUAL SUSTAINABILITY WEEK London, UK. In-person and Virtual
- March 22-24 – April 4-7, 2022 // NATIONAL DIVERSITY & LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Virtual
- March 23-25, 2022 // NONPROFIT TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE Virtual
- April 19-20, 2022 // SUSTAINABLE FINANCE & REPORTING SUMMIT 2022 Oslo, Norway
- April 26 – 28, 2022 // COLLECTIVE IMPACT Virtual
- April 26-28, 2022 // INNOVATION AND IMPACT SUMMIT Stockholm, Sweden
- May 12, 2022 // EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT SUMMIT 2021 London, UK. In-person and Virtual
- Mid May 2022 // SUSTAINATOPIA Los Angeles, CA, USA
- May 17 – 19, 2022 // EFG 2022: LOOKING BACK LOOKING AHEAD Atlanta, GA, USA
- May 2022 // IMPACT SUMMIT Location to be announced
- June 1 – 3, 2022 // GOODNESS MATTERS BY BENEVITY San Diego, CA, USA. In-person and Virtual
- June 5 – 8, 2022 // 14TH ANNUAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE Milano, Italy
- June 8 – 9, 2022 // RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS EUROPE London, UK
- June 20 – 22, 2022 // PARTNER LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Toronto, ON, CAN
- June 21-23, 2022 // THE CONSUMER GOODS FORUM GLOBAL SUMMIT Europe, Location details to be announced. In-Person
- June 22-23, 2022 // RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS ASIA 2022 Virtual
- June 2022 // 4TH ANNUAL LIVE PARTNERSHIP CONFERENCE Location to be announced
- July 13 – 15, 2022 // POINTS OF LIGHT CONFERENCE Orlando, FL
Events pending
- September 12-13, 2022 // NAREIT REITWORKS La Quinta, USA
- September 28-29, 2022 // REUTERS EVENTS: INDUSTRY TRANSITION 2022 San Diego, USA
- October 24-27, 2022 // 26TH IAVE WORLD VOLUNTEER CONFERENCE Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- October 17 – 20, 2022 // 2022 WORKPLACE SUMMIT Las Vegas, NV, USA
- November 9 // CSR 6.0 SUMMIT San Francisco, CA, USA
- November 2022 // CECP BOARD OF BOARDS Event details to be announced
- November 30-December 1 // REUTERS EVENTS: ENERGY TRANSITION ASIA PACIFIC 2022 Virtual
Events pending
Volunteering information, insights, and stories from Realized Worth.
The Uncomfortable Truth About Corporate Volunteering: It’s Time to Talk About Power
The Loneliness Epidemic: How Transformative Volunteering Can Forge Connections and Support Mental Health
Find conferences around the world
How to use the map: Click on the location tags to see a list of the upcoming events in 2022 based on location. Click and drag to navigate across the map, and use the zoom controls (+,-) on the upper-left corner to zoom in and out.
Detailed events list by month
View descriptions of each event by month. Click on View Events to go to the event website.
January 21-22, 2022. London, UK. Virtual.
Federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program.
Registration €300
January 25-27, 2022. Virtual.
Connect with a wide range of actors – including civil society members from the global South, students and youth leaders, representatives from the government and private sector, researchers, and international development specialists – in discussions on some of the most pressing issues, challenges, and solutions in global development.
Registration $40
January 26-28, 2022. Granada, ES. In-person and virtual.
On Sustainability Research Network is brought together by a common concern for sustainability from a holistic perspective, where environmental, cultural, economic, and social interests intersect. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. The Eighteenth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability features research addressing the following annual themes.
Registration: In-Person $150 | Virtual $100
February 2-3, 2022. Location to be announced.
The 30th National & Global Impact, SRI & ESG event held by SUSTAINATOPIA during the last 12 years. SUSTAINATOPIA brings together the global ecosystem of social, financial and environmental sustainability & impact like no other singular event.
Early registration (until January 11): Non-profit $169 |For-profit $199
Regular registration: Non-profit $329 | For-profit $499
February 7-8, 2022. Melbourne, AUS.
The International Research Conference is a federated organization dedicated to bringing together a significant number of diverse scholarly events for presentation within the conference program. Events will run over a span of time during the conference depending on the number and length of the presentations. With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.
Registration €300-500
February 15-17, 2022. Scottsdale, AZ, USA.
Join the dynamic GreenBiz 22 community of more than 1,000 professionals to explore the latest trends, learn from your peers and form valuable connections.
Advance Registration (until January 21): All-Access Pass $3,575 | Conference-Only Pass $3,275
Standard registration: All-Access Pass $3,775 | Conference-Only Pass $3,575 Final registration: All-Access Pass $3,975 | Conference-Only Pass $3,675
February 23-25, 2022. Virtual.
Now celebrating its eighth year, Elevate is a three–day virtual conference experience that contains key content on how to manage change in times of uncertainty. Attendees will be able to engage with fellow social impact professionals from across the country while attending on-demand and live sessions.
Early registration (until February 1) $75
Regular registration $100
February 24-25, 2022. Yokohama, JP.
Sustainable Brands events span the globe and bring together an international community of change agents. At SB’22 Yokohama, we will examine how ‘regeneration’, particularly at the intersection of business innovation and brand building, can create a win-win wave of prosperity.
Registration: ¥38,500
February 2022-November 2022. Virtual.
Learn from leading experts and fellow practitioners, earn recertification credits, and connect with colleagues at HCI’s virtual conferences. Includes variety of conference package to choose from including an all-access pass.
Registration: $195 per event | $495 series pass | $1895 all-access pass
March 11-20, 2022. Austin, TX, USA.
Provides an opportunity for the global community of digital creatives to encounter cutting-edge ideas, discover new interests, and network with other professionals who share a similar appetite for forward-focused experiences.
Registration: In-person $1195-$1525 | Virtual $179-$399
March 13-14 Wellington, NZ.
PIVOT is the annual conference for volunteer leaders in New Zealand, where you will connect with peers, share and learn together. You will be inspired by a range of practitioners and thought leaders, and leave with renewed optimism for the future of volunteering.
Registration $143.75 – $562.35 NZD
March 14-16, 2022. San Diego, CA, USA.
Creates a virtual space for funders to explore the strategies and stories that are creating more equitable, sustainable, and resilient places to live.
Early registration (until Februrary 11): Member $750 | Non-member $850
Regular registration: Member $1,000 | Non-member $1,100
Virtual: March 15-17, 2022. In-Person: April 24-26, 2022. In-person and virtual.
For more than 20 years, the International Corporate Citizenship Conference (the Conference), hosted by the Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship (BCCCC), has brought together hundreds of global CSR professionals looking to learn, share, and network among peers.
Early registration (until February 25): In-person $2,395 | Virtual $995. Advance registration (before March 15): In-person $2,595 | Virtual $1,045
Regular registration (after March 16): In-person $2,795
March 21-24, 2022. London, UK. In-person and virtual.
Bringing together industry leaders, policymakers, entrepreneurs and researchers from around the world, the event will assess how society can take a more holistic approach to sustainability in order to achieve targets and deliver significant impact.
Registration £0-£599
March 22-24 and April 4-7, 2022. Virtual.
Conference attendees include leaders and decision-makers from a variety of industries. With various sessions, workshops, and featured speakers that cover a wide range of topics, you can adapt your experience for optimal learning. From understanding how to be a better leader and creating a better workplace to embracing Multiculturalism and Diversity, there is something here for you.
Registration: Trainings $799/each | Conference starts at $545
March 23-25, 2022. Virtual.
Features nearly 150 live, interactive, and thought-provoking sessions, inspiring keynote speakers, and ways to connect with each other. Opportunities for one-on-one connections, small group meetings, and sponsor conversations.
Features nearly 150 live, interactive, and thought-provoking sessions, inspiring keynote speakers, and ways to connect with each other. Opportunities for one-on-one connections, small group meetings, and sponsor conversations.
Regular registration (until February 28): Members $500 | Non-members $750 Last-minute registration (starting March 3): Members $650 | Non-members $900
April 19-20, 2022. Oslo, Norway.
Registration details not yet available.
April 26-28, 2022. Virtual.
1,000+ social changemakers from across sectors will come together to learn, share, and inspire about how to better collaborate to create equitable systems change.
Registration details not yet available.
April 26-28, 2022. Stockholm, Sweden.
The summit will unite leaders of the best and most ambitious universities with policymakers, world-class researchers and the companies that are shaping our future, around the contribution that higher education institutions can make to a successful, prosperous and sustainable innovation ecosystem.
Early registration £650
Registration £800 – 1,399
May 12, 2022. London, UK. In-person and virtual.
A unique virtual experience that includes 45+ industry experts sharing their exclusive case studies, live Q&A panels and interviews from those who are shaping the future of employee engagement in the ‘new norm’.
Registration: Virtual £0 | In-person £395
Mid-May, 2022. Los Angeles, CA, USA. In-Person.
Sharp focus on accelerating business development and investment acquisition with social, financial, and environmental sustainability & impact. Sustainatopia curates an expert global ecosystem of investors/fund managers, corporations, foundations, non-profits, social entrepreneurs, government, think tanks and leading intermediaries within a high engagement, heavy networking format- supplemented by outstanding, leading-edge content.
Registration details not yet available.
May 17-19, 2022. Atlanta, GA, USA.
The place to be for business and nonprofit corporate social impact leaders to grow their knowledge and network. Hear from top, purpose-focused brands and leading nonprofits on various social impact topics in this engaging, high-energy event.
Early registration (until March 15) $445-1245
Regular registration $945-1395
May 2022. Location to be announced.
Impact Summit is Europe’s leading purpose-led business event – an annual gathering for those who dream of a thriving global economy that puts people and planet at its very heart. From entrepreneurs, to executives, to educators, we provide a platform to the people shaking things up, changing the status quo, and using purpose-driven business models as a means of tackling global challenges.
Registration details not yet available.
June 1-3, 2022. San Diego, CA, USA. In-person and virtual.
The corporate purpose event of the year is locked in and we’re busy preparing a whole lot of good stuff — new workshops, inspiring keynotes, opportunities to connect and more. Plan to join 1,500+ changemakers and 500+ inspiring brands online or in person at the Omni La Costa Resort & Spa in San Diego, California, as we learn, share and grow together.
Early registration (opens January 19): General $1199 | All-access $1698 | Online $349
June 5-8, 2022. Milano, Italy.
The Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS) is a partnership among academic institutions created to provide data and networking opportunities to facilitate research on corporate sustainability.
Event registration details not yet available.
June 8-9, 2022. London, UK.
This summit is dedicated to best practices, ideas, and strategies on sustainable business issues as well as business sustainability commitments on the environment, climate change and supply chains.
Registration: Basic €2,199 |VIP €2,999
June 8-10, 2022. Louisiana, USA. In-Person and Virtual.
This event is one of the largest international conferences focusing on responsible business with delegates from over 40 nations expected to present their latest research and its practical implications for business, society, academia and politics.
Early registration (until April 30): In-Person $200-400 |Virtual $75-300
Late registration: In-person $200-500 | Virtual $100-350
June 20-22, 2022. Toronto, ON, CAN. In-Person.
The Partner Leadership Conference continues a tradition of high level thought leadership and provocative, frank discussions on relevant concerns in the accounting arena and current benchmark statistics highlighting best practices of member firms.
Registration details not yet available.
June 8-10, 2022. Louisiana, USA. In-Person and Virtual.
The Global Summit aims to provide delegates, speakers and sponsors the opportunity to learn more about how our industry has worked tirelessly to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 – and promote the CEO-backed roadmaps that are being delivered by our Coalitions of Action to help our industry create the right kind of new normal.
Registration details not yet available.
June 22-23, 2022. Virtual.
At Responsible Business Asia 2022, we will help you achieve internal alignment on sustainability starting from proving the business case and achieving internal alignment on your ESG goals, to helping you deliver a resilient supply chain, while navigating the regulatory landscape and ensuring strong stakeholder engagement.
Registration: free.
June, 2022. Location to be announced.
The Partnership Conference brings together over 400 leaders and practitioners from across the “partnership industry” on both sides of the table: cause and brand. The conference explores though leadership and best practices in community investment, cause sponsorship, employee engagement, business partnerships, cause marketing, and case studies of current corporate-charitable partnerships.
Registration details not yet available.
Postponed from 2021. New date to be announced. Location to be announced.
This is the same event that was supposed to take place in 2021, it was postponed until 2022.
Registration details not yet available.
July 13-15, 2022. Orlando, FL, USA. In-Person.
A global convening of nonprofit, government, business and civics leaders who connect, collaborate, gain and share the knowledge and resources needed to galvanize the power of people to create change.
Early registration (April 1-30)
Events pending.
September 7-8, 2022. Rome, Italy.
The 10th ICSD 2022 is inspired from the critical challenge of human, environmental, and economic sustainability concerning the present and future generations in a global-scale context.
Registration €450-500
September 12-13, 2022. La Quinta, CA.
Network and learn about the latest ESG developments impacting the commercial real estate sector at Nareit’s REITworks: 2022 Conference. At this annual educational conference, attendees can earn CPE credits and walk away with tangible skills as they learn from expert panelists about key topics related to accounting, financial reporting, sustainability, capital markets, disclosures, investor relations, diversity and inclusion, human resources, and more.
Early registration (until September 1): Non-member $2,395.00| Member $1,195.00-$1,495.00 | Tax exempt $600
Regular registration (after September 1): Non-member $2,595.00| Member $1,395.00-$1,595.00 | Tax exempt $600
September 15-16, 2022. Östersund, Sweden. In-Person.
The conference aims to create a networking opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to discuss recent insights on socially responsible practices in the non- and for-profit sector.
Early registration (until July 17): Conference delegate €300 | Doctoral students €250
Regular registration: Conference delegate: €350 | Doctoral students €300
September 28-29, 2022. San Diego, USA.
Reuters Events: Industry Transition unites diverse executives from heavy industry, in a forum laser focused on delivering deep decarbonization. Through five key pillars we will explore the infrastructure and climate technology developments needed to deliver this ambition, the standards, reporting and ESG difficulties we need to overcome and deep dive into net zero industry, deliver unrestrained innovation and secure market share.
Event registration details not yet available.
October 24 – 27, 2022. Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Due to the current state of the world, the World Volunteer Conference will now take place in Fall 2022 with a specific date to be announced later this year. The page will be updated with more information as it becomes available.
Event registration details not yet available.
October 17-20, 2022. Las Vegas, NV, USA.
The annual Out & Equal Workplace Summit is the largest LGBTQ conference in the world, with more than 5,000 attendees every year.
Event registration details not yet available.
November 9th San Francisco, CA, USA.
This summit presents the evolution of corporate social responsibility from its initial shared value paradigm to its current form. The program will track the growth of CSR as a sector, examine the multi-dimensional ways that CSR programs are implemented in corporations today.
Event registration details not yet available.
November 9-10. Houston, TX, USA.
Reuters Events: Energy Transition North America unites the continent’s leading energy, industrial and government executives to turn global rhetoric into meaningful business action and deliver a net zero North America.
Event registration details not yet available.
November 15-16. London, UK.
Reuters Events: Energy Transition Europe will unite senior European executives and decision makers across energy, industry, finance, and government to tackle and overcome the existential challenges posed by the energy transition. Embody sustainable business, deliver meaningful climate action, and unlock net-zero Europe.
Visit the website for event registration details.
November 16-17, 2022
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation will release more details soon.
Event registration details not yet available.
November 2022 – specific date to be announced. Location to be announced.
The virtual board of board series will feature a CEO who will share his or her case study related to the theme. This series will feature all the things that make the Board of Boards a CEO power play event: dialogue, networking, real case examples, exclusively CEOs, closed-door, and more.
Event registration details not yet available.
November 30 – December 1. Virtual.
Reuters Events: Energy Transition Asia Pacific unites leaders from public and private sectors across the Asia Pacific region to establish a net zero strategy for the decade to come. Together, we will define the future of the energy system, map out the net zero business and governance pathways, and explore the leading technologies and solutions to access and accelerate the energy transition. It is time to collaborate, show leadership, and pioneer change.
Registration: Free | VIP Pass $999
Events pending.
Inquire with us about these events
If you want to add a CSR or sustainability events, or update details for an entry in the guide, please reach out to and be sure to include the date, location, and link.
Please note that the descriptions are summarized from the corresponding event’s website and do not necessarily reflect the views of Realized Worth.