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National Volunteer Week – 2010
National Volunteer Week, Celebrating People in Action, is a time of celebration and inspiration as Points of Light Institute and HandsOn Network honor the thousands of individuals who take action year round to strengthen their communities. (Read more about the 2009 event on BCLC’s site here.)
Established in 1974, National Volunteer Week has grown exponentially in scope each year, recognizing the incalculable contributions that volunteers make every day across the country and challenging all Americans to step forward to help wherever there is need.
This year will be no exception as Points of Light Institute and HandsOn Network will honor those who solve problems in their communities and secure national attention on the impact and power of volunteerism and service as an integral aspect of our civic landscape. Points of Light Institute will also recognize the one-year anniversary of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act and the creation of the Volunteer Generation Fund through a series of celebratory events.
National Volunteer Week takes place on the following dates:
- April 18 – 24, 2010
- April 17 – 23, 2011
- April 15 – 21, 2012
- April 21 – 27, 2013
You can nominate outstanding volunteers for one of these two awards:
- The Daily Point of Light Award honors those who are helping to meet critical needs in their communities and creating change every day. One Daily Point of Light Award winner is chosen every single day. Visit to learn more about the award and to make a nomination.
- The President’s Volunteer Service Award honors volunteers during their service journey through acknowledgment of hours served resulting in positive community impact. This is a prestigious volunteer award and the only one associated with the White House. Visit the National & Community Service site to learn more about qualifications and to submit a nomination.
The Extra Mile is a monument in the heart of Washington, D.C. representing citizens who championed causes to help others realize a better America. During National Volunteer Week, Points of Light Institute will induct new service heroes into The Extra Mile and host a special luncheon ceremony in their honor. 2009 inductees included:
- Clifford Beers – Founder, Modern Health Movement
- Rachel Carson – Environmentalist
- John Muir – Conservationist
- Samuel Gompers – Founder, American Federation of Labor
- Robert Smith/William Wilson – Co-Founders, Alcoholics Anonymous
Visit to learn more about The Extra Mile.
Points of Light Institute will shine a spotlight on recipients of these signature recognition programs during National Volunteer Week, recognizing them for their extraordinary service and inspiring others to embrace civic engagement at deeper levels.
The Hands On Network has Action Centers are in more than 250 communities across the country and 11 international locations. They reach 83% of the population, facilitating more than 30,000 projects a month. The network includes more than 70,000 nonprofit, faith, education and community-based organizations.
Through the Hands On Action Centers, people are able to find volunteer projects and programs that align their passion with real needs in the local community.