Everyone has a story. Call it a journey, an explanation, the reason we are who we are, but one thing is sure: there’s always more to a person than can be seen from the outside. There is value in learning each other’s stories. Together, in the messiness of our lives, we can encourage each other to live further into who we’re meant to be.
More often than not, we would never have predicted where our stories take us. Realized Worth has evolved from more than 20 years of career choices that were far from what I’m doing now. Turns out, there’s a Toronto radio show that talks about just that – the complicated plot twists in the journey of a person’s career.
I recently had the opportunity to appear as a guest on the show. Its called Career Buzz and its hosted by Mark Franklin at the University of Toronto. I imagine that many of you are experiencing the evolutionary processes of your own careers and just might find yourselves encouraged by the topics on Career Buzz.
If you’re interested in hearing some of my story, you can listen to it by clicking on this link: http://www.careercycles.com/career-buzz/2009-career-buzz-shows (The show is called “Creating Moments of Epiphany.”)
You can listen to the show regularly on Friday mornings, 11-12 EST, at CIUT 89.5 FM.
On the show with me is Dean Dwyer, author of the Quit Bit blog. He writes about the oft overlooked benefits of quitting. He’s a smart guy, and I encourage you to check out his blog and follow him on Twitter @deandwyer
Mark Franklin, our host for Career Buzz, is an outstanding interviewer. Mark is also a career counseling coach. You can find out more about him here: http://www.careercycles.com/
We’d love to hear from you!
Email Chris: chrisjarvis@realizedworth.com
Email Angela: angela@realizedworth.com
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