2010 Conference and Event Line Up
VolunteerMatch keeps our community up-to-date on conferences and events in the fields of CSR and Employee Volunteer Engagement. Here is a list of upcoming 2010 industry conferences and VolunteerMatch-hosted events.
Mark Your Calendars!
2010 VolunteerMatch Client Summit
sponsored by MGM MIRAGE
Las Vegas, NV
Thursday, April 29, 2010
This year, MGM MIRAGE is sponsoring our 2010 Client Summit with Keynote Speaker Professor Jane Nelson, Director of the Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative at Harvard’s Kennedy School.
2010 VolunteerMatch Best Practice Network
The Best Practice Network series for 2010 is taking shape. Check out the BPN website for a schedule of free sessions. Speakers for 2010 include Chris Jarvis from Realized Worth, Mitch Baranowski from BBMG, Andy Goodman from The Goodman Center, Bea Boccalandro from Veraworks, and our friends at Changing our World.
January 21: Corporate Volunteering: Top 7 Requests & Bad, Better, Best Responses
March 25: Motivating Volunteers in Tough Times
April 21: Incentivize Your Program: A Discussion on Dollar for Doers
Check out the line up Here.
2010 Industry Conferences
BCLC Annual Disaster Forum: Next Steps for Gulf Coast Recovery
New Orleans, LA, January 26-27
CSR Performance Summit
San Francisco, CA, February 1-3
CECP ‘Board of Boards’ CEO Conference
New York, NY, February 22
ACCP: Conference on Corporate Contributions
National Harbor, MD, March 14-17
Boston College, Center for Corporate Social Responsibility
Boston, MA, April 11-13
The CRO Conference
Boston, MA, April 21
Social Enterprise Summit
San Francisco, CA, April 28-30
VolunteerMatch Client Summit
Las Vegas, NV, April 29
BCLC: Annual Conference on Corporate Community Investment
Houston, TX, May 12-14
CECP: Corporate Philanthropy Summit
New York, NY, June 2-3
2010 Cause Marketing Forum Conference
Chicago, IL, June 2-4
National Conference on Volunteering and Service
New York, NY, June 28-30
The Conference Board: Corporate Community Involvement Conference (CCIC)
TBD, July
JustMeans – Social Media for Sustainability
New York, NY, November 1
Business for Social Responsibility
New York, NY, November 2-5
BCLC: 11th Annual Corporate Citizenship Awards Dinner
Washington, DC, December
Realized Worth works with companies to design and implement employee volunteer programs.