As you may have noticed, we’re big fans of social media. We believe it’s an essential aspect to any companies Corporate Social Responsibility strategy (check out our blog on How to use CSR as a social media platform, rather than a marketing tool). That’s why were thrilled with today’s launch of Power of the Hour.
2 Million Volunteer Hours created Power of the Hour in order to generate 2 million volunteer hours across Canada in 2010. In fact, this project is so successful, that at the writing of this article, there are nearly 1 million hours pledged.
How does it work?
Power of the Hour includes an online tool that tracks volunteer hours. Volunteers can set a goal, track the hours and types of activities, as well as challenge and recruit others to join. The site also includes other information including blogs (and of course you’ll be able to find a blog or two from us). But the real power of this new tool comes from the integration of media and social partnerships.
Combined with the online presence, Power of the Hour will allow you to watch 25 documentary shorts on the TVO network. There will also be advertising and promos that feature volunteers, celebrities and business leaders encouraging companies, not-for-profits, schools, and individuals to celebrate and pledge their volunteer hours in 2010.
The concept was developed in partnership with TVO, Volunteer Canada and its Corporate Council on Volunteering. The Council is comprised of 22 larger Canadian companies, such as Microsoft, Direct Energy, UPS, and Home Depot.
And on January 13th, as part of the Corporate Council on Volunteering, these companies will announce a collective pledge of over 500,000 volunteer hours in 2010. They’ll be challenging the rest of the business community to match those committed hours. Oh yeah, we’ll be there to celebrate along with everyone else!
Dorothy Engleman, the Executive Director of Get Involved, worked long and hard to make this project a reality. Her tenacity and temerity are making Canada a better place to live. Thank you Dorothy.